Our sustainability journey Sustainability

Oak is a sustainability leader in the international finance industry. We are constantly learning, integrating our purpose-driven ethos into the heart of what we do as a business.

Oak's sustainability journey

With people at our core, having open feedback sessions to contribute towards our sustainability strategy was extremely important. This enabled us to integrate sustainability into the heart of our business and the services we offer to clients.

STEP 1Sustainability education

Ongoing learning and development is important to Oak Group. Our colleagues regularly attend training workshops with Elixirr.

STEP 2Net Zero commitment

As climate change is of critical concern, we are prioritising a Net Zero commitment and embedding regular carbon foot-printing into our business.

STEP 3UN Global Compact

We are integrating sustainability into the governance areas of our business and are in the process of signing the UN Global Compact.

Our sustainability committee

Comprised of senior leaders across our business; our sustainability committee is committed to setting, measuring and reporting on our ESG targets.

Tanya O’Carroll , Oliver de la Fosse , Jo Gorrod , John Doublard , James Tracey

Going Net Zero

The COP26 summit highlighted that the targets set by the original 196 parties to the Paris Agreement can only now be delivered with an overwhelming increase in ambition and action on greenhouse gas reduction.

We take our role as a sustainability leader within the international finance industry seriously by demonstrating how financial service firms can push the greenhouse gas reduction agenda by planning the delivery of our own Net Zero target. We also intend to actively influence our stakeholders to reduce their carbon footprint.

The UN Global Compact

We are committed to becoming signatories to the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, the UN Global Compact.

Why we are aligning with the UN Global Compact

  1. The 10 principles of the compact act as our go-to source of inspiration for what a sustainable business looks like in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.
  2. As a signatory, we will be able to share and learn corporate sustainability best practice with our global peers.
  3. It will motivate us to compile an annual communication on progress to provide transparency to our stakeholders on the actions we are taking to deliver on our sustainability purpose.

UN Global Compact communications

This governance model places sustainability as a key consideration in all the actions and decisions we take as a business. The compilation of an annual UN Global Compact communication progress report will be a result of the implementation of our sustainability governance model, and we will share our letters of commitment and communication on progress with our stakeholders in our annual publications.

Contact us to learn more about our sustainability journey.